Web Parts Library: Jetfire Base
Modified on 2011/11/22 14:50 by Charles — Categorized as: Library
Table of Contents
Jetfire Base Web Parts Library
Software Package
See Also
Jetfire Base Web Parts Library
The Jetfire Base Web Parts Library contains the following web parts.
Add new Workflow to List
is used by the Jetfire User to add a new workflow to a list.
Add Workflow to List
is used by the Jetfire User to add the workflow to a list.
Command with Parameters
is used by the Jetfire User to execute a command with parameters.
Copy Workflow
is used by the Jetfire User to copy a workflow.
Display Jetfire Output
displays the raw output of a Jetfire method.
New Business
implements a process for creating a new business.
New Workflow
is used by the Jetfire User to create a workflow.
New Workflow (input form)
is used by the Jetfire Administrator to display an input form that is used by the user to create a new workflow.
New Workflow with parameters
is used by the Jetfire User to create a new workflow with parameters.
New Workspace
is used by the Jetfire User to create a new workspace.
Preferred Workspace
is used by the Jetfire User to set a preferred workspace where new workflows are placed.
Property Editor
is used by the Jetfire User to edit properties.
Workflow Displayed in table
is used by the Jetfire Administrator to display a list of workflows in a table to Jetfire Users.
Workflow Editor
is used by the Jetfire Administrator to to display a workflow editor.
Workflow State
displays workflows by state.
Workflow Summary Display
is used by the Jetfire Administrator to display a summary of workflows to Jetfire Users.
Workflow Viewer (read-only)
is used by the Jetfire Administrator to display a read-only view of the workflow.
Workflows displayed sorted by Date
is used by the Jetfire Administrator to display workflows by date to Jetfire Users.
Software Package
Configure software package:
Jetfire Base
to see these Web Parts.
See Also
Jetfire Libraries
Jetfire Overview